Feb 4, 2014
The Robots That Saved Pittsburgh How the Steel City avoided Detroit’s fate.
"It’s hard to pinpoint the moment Pittsburgh began its three-decade climb back from the dead, but Red Whittaker marks the comeback from the instant he heard the ominous clack of a door closing behind him when he entered a secured building near the melted heart of Three Mile Island back in 1983."
Jul 7, 2010
Unmanned helicopter missions a step closer
"With Sanjiv Singh's help, perhaps a Black Hawk downed won't be so deadly. Technology he developed with a team from Piasecki Aircraft Corp. in Delaware County enabled a full-sized helicopter last month to fly unmanned, choose a landing site in unknown territory and land itself."
Nov 10, 2008
Robot helicopter takes flight navigation to a new low
Flying low to the ground is a pilot’s nightmare: buildings, trees, and power cables all threaten to put an early end to the flight. But now the first large robotic aircraft able to fly at low levels and weave around such obstacles has been developed by US engineers.